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Abdul Kahar Ira Aisya Waya Wulan Sari


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tandan kosong kelapa sawit pada reaktor anaerobik terhadap produksi biogas limbah cair kelapa sawit. Bahan penelitian berupa limbah cair kelapa sawit, kotoran sapi dan variasi penambahan Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS) 1%, 3% dan 5% dengan 2 kali ulangan dan waktu fermentasi selama 70 hari. Percobaan dilakukan dengan sistem batch dalam reaktor anaerobic, pada temperatur psychrophilic (27°C) dan temperatur. Mesophilic (37°C) dan kapasitas reaktor adalah 300 mL, dengan  volume campuran sebanyak 210 mL yang berisi: a) LCKS, dan b) LCKS dengan tambahan kotoran sapi dengan rasio 1:2 (v/v). Reaktor anaerobik terhubung ke penampung untuk menghitung produksi biogas, yang diamati setiap hari selama 50 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produksi biogas tertinggi adalah pada limbah cair kelapa sawit, kotoran sapi, TKKS 5% sebesar 872,5 mL. Penambahan TKKS memberikan pengaruh terhadap produksi biogas limbah cair kelapa sawit pada hari ke 1-24. Penambahan TKKS yang optimal yaitu pada penambahan TKKS 5 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produksi biogas pada temperatur mesophilic lebih besar daripada produksi biogas pada temperatur psychrophilic.

The objective of research is to know the effect of empty fruit bunches in anaerobic reactor of palm oil mill effluent (POME) of biogas production. Research materials are this form of palm oil mill effluent, cows manure with a variation of Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) addition of 1%, 3% and 5% with two replications and 70 days fermentation. The experiment was conducted in a batch system with the anaerobic reactor. It was conduct, at  temperature psychrophilic (27°C) dan temperature mesophilic (37°C), with reactor capacity is 300 mL, and the volume of mixture is 210 mL which is contains: a) POME  and b) POME with additional cow manure with the ratio of 1:2 (v/v). Anaerobic reactor was connected to the collector to calculate production of biogas. It was observed in every day during 50 days. The results showed that biogas production is highest in palm oil mill effluent, cow manure, EFB 5% is 872.5 mL. The addition of EFB give effect of palm oil mill effluent biobiogas production on days 1-24. The addition of empty fruit bunches which are optimal in the addition of 5 %. The results showed the biogas production at temperature mesophilic more hight than temperature psychrophilic.


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