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Evaluation of the operation unit and process unit of Keputih IPLT needs to be carried out, in order to support the service level of Keputih IPLT. Testing the characteristics of sludge entering the STP is done by conducting laboratory testing related to the parameters of pH, BOD, COD, TSS, TVS, TFS, N, P, oil, fat and SVI tests. Samples were taken from several places, namely from non-fecal sludge such as Culinary Tourism Centre, Rusunawa, Fish Market Centre, Health Facilities, Malls and Restaurants. As for fecal sludge, it is taken from each processing unit in Keputih IPLT. Based on the characteristics of each pollutant load, the non-fecal sludge and fecal sludge indicate a sufficiently large load. The sludge load itself obtained from Rusunawa indicates that the sludge is still relatively fresh, no degradation has occurred. The results show that the characteristics of fecal sludge from each treatment unit of Keputih IPLT still exceed the applicable quality standards. The large amount of pollutant load that enters Keputih IPLT from not only fecal sludge, but also non-fecal sludge results in a treatment load that does not match the idle capacity of the treatment units in Keputih IPLT.
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