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The Integrated Resource Recovery Center (IRRC) was formed by Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Malang with UNESCAP, Waste Concern Bangladesh and UCLG ASPAC with the aim of reducing organic waste that goes to landfill by up to 50%. The generation of organic waste in Kecamatan Pujon (Kabupaten Malang) reaches more than 1 ton per day originating from the Mantung Pujon Agrobis Sub-Terminal and residential locations which are distributor centers. In addition, Kecamatan Pujon is also a center for dairy farmers and it is estimated that there are 20,640 cow. The manure and organic waste are being disposed directly into water bodies. IRRC is a treatment system that turning organic waste and manure into compost which is also equipped with biodigesters to further used as electrical source. Vegetable leftovers and manure is processed in an anaerobic reactor where the biogas produced is captured to be distributed to a generator. The slurry and the resulting supernatant were dried in a sludge drying bed. Based on the results of laboratory tests, the compost produced by IRRC has a moisture content of 10.48%, a pH of 6.29, a C-organic content of 31.60%, a total N content of 2.50%, and a C/N ratio of 12 ,64.
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