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Eddy Setiadi Soedjono


The purpose of this paper is to plan the development of sewerage system and wastewater treatment plant communal scale for the entire region of Singhasari Residence housing, Malang Regency and the development area is divided into 3 zones service area I, II and III. A review from technical aspects obtain wastewater discharge into the existing wastewater treatment plant is 0,027 m3/sec. While the debit that entry on wastewater treatment plant unit area I is 0,017 m3/sec. Management plan for sewerage system and communal wastewater treatment plant community based will be difficult to implement because the house in Singhasari Residence housing have average status as second home. Based on the analysis results cost for operational and maintenance for the service area I was Rp 5000/ m3. While the cost for operational and maintenance to the development of the existing wastewater treatment plant is Rp 3500/m3.


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