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Disaster that often happens and causes many hazard impacts in Indonesia is flood. The hazard impact can reach two of three from all disaster that happen. Flood problems generally happen because of interaction of many factors, such as natural and human activity factor. One of human activities that can caused flood is land used which is not suitable. The land used condition is usually not based on land and water conservation, especially the suitability for land capability, thus it causes land infiltration comes more less and run off value more increase. Land Used Model on flood land is very important to optimize the land used proportion that is suitable to control the flood. With the model we can know flood area, land conversion value and also non-suitable area. The model has 3 (three) elements, spatial model to determine flood area, hydrologic models to optimized land used, and spatial model to recommended area. From this research we could know optimal proportion for each land used in Samarinda City then flood can be controlled. Optimal proportion of land use utilize to control floods is when peak discharge (Q) do not exceed existing river capacities.
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