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Susi A. Wilujeng


Domestic activities, industry and agriculture are causing many of the rivers in Indonesia have been contaminated by organic wastewater. It causes the water hyacinth thrive in water sources such as rivers and lakes. The purpose of this study was to determine the rate of decrease in organic carbon content to produce biogas which can be used as an alternate, energy. Experiments conducted on three reactors, two test reactor (reactor A and B) and one control reactor (reactor C). Raw materials as much as 15 kilograms of water hyacinth per reactor. A reactor was added Microorganisms M-16 and stirring. Reactor B was added Microorganisms M-16 and without stirring. Stirring is done ten rounds with a 360 ° rotating drum every day. The study was conducted over 60 days. The parameters analyzed were temperature, moisture content, pH and gas production were measured every day. Carbon and nitrogen were measured every 5 days. The results showed a decrease in the carbon content of 2.7 faster Reactor A and Reactor B Reactor 2 is faster than C. Formation of biogas in the reactor A 1.8 more than the reactor C and B Reactor 1.4 more than on Reactor C.



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