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Anton Kuswoyo


Intrusion of sea water for groundwater pollution, including deep groundwater and shallow ground water in the soil, which is a source of clean water for the residents. Particular in coastal areas which have not been served with water taps, people still use shallow well water as a source of clean water. The main obstacle is the shallow wells experiencing drought on dry season and experiencing seawater intrusion. Resistivity data retrieval using Schlumberger geoelectric method performed on the nine point trajectory. Results of exploratory research suggests geoelectric method can be used to determine the presence of ground water. The results showed the study area has the potential groundwater eligible to be used as a source of clean
water. Great potential (aquifer thickness above 15 m) by 6 points from 9 points of research, which is at the point of GL1, GL3, GL5, GL6, GL7 and GL9. Moderate potential (aquifer thickness between 5-15 m) of 3- point location, is at a point GL2, GL4 and GL8. The presence of ground water in the range of depth around
1-80 m.


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