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Irmahni Irhamni


Microalgae has an ability to absorb various forms of Nitrogen dan Phosfor. Research on green microalgae cultivated in photobioreactor volume 2 liter to remove the nutrient content in the livestock waste by considering the effect of different waste concentration,e.i 100%, 50% and 25% and length of illumination time, e.i 24 hour and 12 hour (on/off) on biomass produced has been done. The result showed that the highest microalgae growth is obtained from the acclimatized culture of the livestock waste 25% with biomass content 1,65 gram/liter dry weight, and followed by the livestock waste (50% and 100%) , with biomass content 1,4 gram/liter dry weight and 1,35 gram/liter dry weight, respectively. The non-climatized microalgae showed a very slow growth within the same cultivation time, e.i 16 days with biomass range from 0,65–1,1 gram/liter dry weight. Metabolism process of acclimatized green microalgae was proven to be able to remove the nutrient content of ammonium, nitrate, and phosphate in range 60-98%, thus the writers concluded that the usage of local green microalgae for livestock waste removal can be done as one of the alternative methods for wastewater treatment, while algae biomass can be utilized for the production of algae oil lipid.


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