Empowerment Towards Open-Defecation-Free Community
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The Center for the Study of Regional Potential and Community Empowerment of ITS has been devoting their service for three years from 2017 to 2019 in Kampung Astra Keputih, Surabaya. This effort also supports Surabaya Municipality in becoming one of the provincial capitals with a status of open defecation free (ODF), adhering its aim to have all its urban villages ODF by 2017. The construction of sanitary toilets in Kampung Astra Keputih Village were intended for the communities who still had not had ones, which from the data acquired amounted to around 50 families in 2018. The method approaches used began with community triggering, field observation, discussion with public health and environmental health officers, more triggering, then we decided alternative methods in achieving the ODF target, such as community discussions on financing agreements and the mechanism for building the toilets. The target of this community service was for Keputih Village to be free of open defecation. In 2019, constructions of septic tanks were finished in ten houses, while those in seven others were still in progress.
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