Performance Evaluation of Sewage Sludge Treatment Plant of The Wastewater and Potable Water Infrastructure (Pialam) Association in The Special Region of Yogyakarta
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Sewage sludge treatment plant is one of the planned efforts to improve waste treatment and removal in becoming more environmentally friendly (Oktarina dan Haki, 2013). This research aims to evaluate sewage sludge treatment plant of The Wastewater and Potable Water Infrastructure (Pialam) Association in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Performance evaluation on the sewage sludge treatment plant was performed based on wastewater flowrate entering the plant and the efficiency of treatment inside the plant. The method used include collection of data from sewage sludge treatment of Pialam Association on KM 8 Bantul Road, Sewon, Bantul.Data collected were: incoming wastewater flowrate (based on incoming sewage trucks on Thursday, July 4, 2019), COD (at the inlet, Andrich Tech and outlet), BOD (at the inlet, Andrich Tech and outlet),TSS (Total Suspended Solid) (at the inlet, Andrich Tech and outlet),pH (at the inlet, Andrich Tech and outlet). Next, a conformity analysis was done referring to quality standards, using primary and secondary data of the last approximately six months. For entering flowrate analysis, calculation was done on the incoming volume of trucks with assumed 8 work hours per day. It was found that the entering wastewater volume was 93,341 m3 per day, which is beyond the plant’s maximum capacity, thus the treatment was no longer efficient. The plant’s performance from January to June was of the following efficiency rate: BOD: 90% to 99.9%; COD: 95% to 99.9%; TSS: 94% to 99.9%.
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