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Muhammad Anshari Caronge


Cemen industry was one of the biggest contribute in the world because of the energy consume and dust emission potential. This became the most factor of air pollution. The emission from cement industry content the hazardous chemical substances. Such as total particle, CO2,NO2, SO2, and black dust. The emission impact from cement industry not only disturb the human health, but also the environment around it. Thefore the emission analysis at cement production company to know the health and environment impact. Test method used in this research is determination of Total Particles by isokinetik, SOx test using turbidimetri method, test of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) level by Griess Saltzman method, CO2 test by automatic analysis. The emission test results for 3 periods, shows the concentration of emitters of emissions still under the Standard of Emission Quality in accordance with KEPMENKES-13 / MENLH / 1995 on the Standard of Unmoved Emission Quality.


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