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Muhammad Arief Setiawan


Kebumen District is located in Central Java Province with an area of 128,111.50 ha, and the population in
2013 was recorded 1,183,763. The level of drinking water service by PDAM Tirta Bumi Sentosa is 31% or
398,588 people, while PAMSIMAS service area is 6%. Projected population and water needs by 2033, by
determining the population by arithmetic method, while with 94 ltr / org / day clean water requirement with
daily factor of 1.01 and peak hour factor 1.31. PDAM Water Service needs 2,441.64 liters / sec in 2033,
while the water requirement in Non PDAM is 261,05 liters / second in 2033. The source of raw water uses
MA Goa West capacity of 100 liter / second, Pejengkolan Bend capacity 400 liter / second, and River Luk
Ulo capacity of 100 liters / sec.


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