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Lia Kurnia Putri


Currently, the management of sanitation especially domestic wastewater is very crusial. Lambung
Mangkurat WWTP is applying technology Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) in the process wastewater.
RBC is the secondary processing that uses microorganisms to decompose organic material in wastewater.
The purpose of this study to evaluate the performance of RBC in Lambung Mangkurat WWTP and setting
variation of detention time to know how was its effect to efficiency of RBC process to BOD removal. RBC
performance evaluation was conducted by measuring the condition before and after treatment. The setting
variation of detention time by combining pump in RSPS (Raw Sewage Pump Station) and valve in primary
clarifier. Typical of detention time is taken from minimum value 0,7 (hours), middle 1,1 (hours) and
maximum 1,5 (hours). The result of this study, existing condition flow rate is processed range from 530,713
m3/day-615,385 m3/day with a detention time between 0,7-4 hours dependent time of the pump. The setting
variation of detention time give effect to efficiency of BOD removal. The biggest detention time of BOD
removal is 1,5 (hours).


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