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The research was conducted in SD.Bawakaraeng Makassar is located closed to one of the arterial roads in
Makassar city. This elementary school have a clear distance betweet class room and road is 11.2 meters and
closed to the traffic light, causing noise around school area due to slowdown vehicles. This study aimed to
analyze the level of noise, mapping the distribution of the noise level, and determine the perception of public
(student, teacher, staf, parents of students) due to the noise level in SD. Bawakaraeng Makassar. Determining
point of measurement by useing google earth, then transfer to GPS Tracker Lite aplication on android when
applied in the location. Noise level measurement was performed at 42 points on the SD. Bawakaraeng area by
using a Sound Level Meter TM-103 were conducted for 10 minutes at each point, and the data obtained is the
noise level data. Mapping the distribution of the noise level use surfer 7.0 application. And to know the
perception due to the noise level in SD.Bawakaraeng is done by distributing questionnaires to 250 respondents.
Based on the research the value of the average noise level is 76.44 dBA. It shows that the noise level around
SD.Bawakaraeng exceed standard quality that is 55 dBA. The mapping of the noise level in SD.Bawakaraeng
show yellow as dominant color which means that the level of noise average between 70-80 dBA. Based on the
questionnaire has been distributed, all respondents felt disturbed by noise in SD.Bawakaraeng and as effort to
control the noise in SD.Bawakaraeng, respondents dominan chose to restrict the speed of vehicle as a solution.
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