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Nieke Karnaningroem


This research used constructed wetland system. Flow rate variation used 7,5 l/day, 11,25 l/ day and 15 l/ day with 2 controls. The measurement was done to the concentration of BOD5, N-total, P-total, K-total, coliform and percentage of the rice leaves which were infected. Liquid wastewater from septic tank was used for reactor influent. The results showed decreases BOD5 concentration 91,04% at flow rate 11,25 l/day (Hydraulic Loading Rate = 62,5 l/hari.m2) and the wastewater nutrient concentration for N 55,91% at flow rate 11,25 l/day, P 99,61% at flow rate 15 l/day, K 12,59% at flow rate 11,25 l/day and decreases coliform concentration 98,51% at flow rate 7,5 l/day.


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