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Ellina Sitepu Pandebesie Susi Agustina W.


Nitrate nitrite assimilation by photosynthesized cells, mainly algae, is an alternative that can be employed to treat nitrate and phosphate. Final result of treatment employs algae was algae was not sludge that had to be treated again. The experiment was performed by utilizing algae to lessen nitrate and phosphate content from wastewater. This research used artificial wastewater contains KNO3 and KH2PO4.  the experiment was conducted using Erlenmeyer reactor with 2.000 ml capacity, while media capacity is 1.000 ml. Wastewater and algae was put inside the media and observation has been made for 96 hours. The result obtained revealed algae biosorption capacity 0,35 gr nitrate/gr dry weight algae and 0,073 gr phosphate/gr dry weight algae on mixed concentration 1, while on mixed concentration 2 resulted 0,42 gr nitrate/gr dry weight algae and 0,1 gr phosphate/gr dry weight algae.


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