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Joni Hermana Rachmat Boedisantos


Up to the present time the policy of the placement traffic police as the part of duty police duty doesn’t consider internal safe in every police to the effect but concerns more in the safe of the society on the road. The purpose of this research is to analyze and to evaluate the air quality and how much the Pb ambient influences the traffic police. The measurement of content Pb in the blood of the the traffic police based on the job site and the length of their work in their field, through the measurement and the result of the respondent to the research quotioner. While the location of the research is “SATLANTAS POLWILTABES SURABAYA” esspecially at Rayon 1 and Rayon 2. Laboratory test inspection show most responder polantas (70%) concentration of Pb blood in tolerance category, 13,33% in excessive category and 16,67% in normal category and curve regresi show the Permanent Post have the high risk to contaminant and followed by the Watch Post and the lower risk is administration.


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