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The development of the Cipaniis spring water source was developed in 1982, by constructing a new intake with a design capacity of 760 L/sec. The flow of this source was observed since 1996. Like all other components: rainfall, river water, ground water, and hydrological cycle, water flows are random variables, such that the reliability of a source can be determined using statistical analysis. First, an array was made from the lowest to the highest number, then a goodness-of-fit test was conducted, i.e., a test to determine the level of fitness of the samples to a certain theoretical distribution function. In so doing, the selected theoretical distribution function can represent the water debit distribution (normal distribution, log-normal, Gumbel and log-pearson III). Further, the magnitude of the future flow can be determined; and the reliability curve of the Cipaniis water source debit can be constructed in accordance to the technical criteria of the multisector raw water allocation of BMA PU Cipta Karya. Reliability analysis of the raw water showed that operation of the Cipaniis water installation with a planned debit for raw water of Q=(650-760) L/sec was equal to a reliable dry debit. For a two year operation, there will be a risk that the supply of raw water will not meet one day demand for a planned dry flow of Q= 650 l/sec, and 60 days with a planned dry debit of 760 L/sec. If the technical criteria for the allocation of raw water (BMA Cipta Karya 1994) is used as reference, then a planned flow for domestic use will be allowed for Q=308 L/sec with a 10 year period of operation, there will be a one time risk that the planned debit hill not to be met for seven days.
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