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Septic tank’s nightsoil becomes a specific problem, especially its microbial content which comprises pathogenic and toxin producing bacteria, mold and fungi. About 300 billion coliform bacteria exists in 125-300 g of human faeces. Coliform bacteria in food-stuff and beverages are unwanted because it may cause disease. In contrast, the high nutrient content represents the human faeces as the most complete organic manure, which is good to apply for all crop types. In this research septage was stabilized by continuous aerobic digester. The experiment variations in aerobic digester reactor included solid retention time (SRT) of to 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 days. The observed parameters were TSS, VSS, humidity, C/N ratio, coliform bacteria, pH, and temperature. Results of this research showed the existence of influence of SRT variation to the removal of VSS parameter. The highest removal of organic matter (VSS) of 27,55% was achieved in SRT of 50 days. The highest removal of coliform bacteria (99.79%) was reached in SRT of 20 days. This product, however, could not be directly applied yet for soil treatmentr. C/N ratio in 50 day SRT was 6,12.
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