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Leachate collection system in sanitary landfill commonly uses the comb system, a piping system with the primary pipe in the side of the cell. This experiment would analyse comb system and fishbone system, a piping system which the primary pipe located in the middle of the cell, for collecting and removing leachate. Both variations were used for measuring leachate volume per time existed in each outlet system. Rainfall variation was used to measure leachate volume per time collected from each outlet. From the variation of rainfall with 10-year and 25-year return periods, it was shown a total difference of cumulative volume secretory leachate from fish bone system was greater than comb system, or they are equal to 1.98% and 6.1%. This experiment showed that the fish bone system was more effective than the comb system in collecting leachate. Statistical analysis by using one way anova, the variation of leachate collection removal system (LCRS) gave a significance effect on the leachate volume measurement in each outlet system within the monitoring periode. In 10-year and 25-year return period, the P-values were of 0 and 0,027.
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