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Wastewater treatment with water plants has been one of alternative treatment which is efficient and cheap enough, especially to remove colour in textile wastewater. This experiment used synthetic colour of textile wastewater that containing quinone by dissolved methylene blue in PDAM water. With variate sequencing places of water lettuce –water hyacinth and the colour concentration of textile wastewater to parameter of this research, hoped the ability of water plant to remove colour wastewater can be known. It can be concluded from the research that the water hyacinth –water lettuce reactor series in concentration 0,0025 g/L has the best ability to remove textile colour and COD. The best average removal a day, just had been done by the plant, happened in waste concentration 0,01 g/L in the water hyacinth–water lettuce reaktor for colour and COD. The variations of waste concentration influence removal ability of water plant and the changing of pH values has been influenced by the activities of water plants and the activities of microorganism in reactor. pH values decrease until the end of research, with the smallest pH is 7,2 that happened in the water hyacinth–water lettuce reaktor series on 0,0025 g/L water concentration.
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