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The purpose this study is to determine the ability of three-phase fluidization reactor in increasing DO content and lower organic content of the COD and study the effect of contact time on the COD reduction in organic content. In this study, using a three-phase fluidization reactor-shaped glass column with a diameter of 10cm and height of 150 cm. Variable used is variable superficial velocity of water 7 cm/sec and the air superficial velocity is 1.229 cm/sec with a contact time of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 minutes. Water samples used for research are the river of Surabaya and control water used PDAM water. The result of this research showed decreased in concentration of COD was highest at minute 60 with a percentage decrease of 85%. COD values 12mg/l meet clean water standards according to the PP. 82 in 2001.
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