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This research was aimed to determine the appropriate conditions of the bioremediation processes, to determine TPH removal efficiency in oil sludge bioremediation, and to determine the best type of bulking agents for reducing TPH concentration. The mixture used were clean soil, oil sludge, bulking agents, NPK fertilizer, and chicken manure. The initial concentration of TPH used is 5,58 %. Bulking agents used are rice husks, grass, or sawdust. Control variable measured are humidity, temperature, pH, and nutrition. This research was limited by the final concentration of TPH 1 % according to Ministry of Environmental Ministry Decree (KepMenLH). No.128, 2003, which stated the maximum TPH concentration is 1%. The results showed that C/N/P ratio decreased after fifteen days . The pH values were 5-9. which met the bioremediation criteria that suitable for microorganisms to live. The temperature’s range was 15-450C. The humidity was stable, between 12-30%. All windrows showed similar TPH decreasing pattern, but the final TPH concentrations were of different values. TPH removal efficiencies using rice husk, grass, and sawdust were of 76,85%, 87,05%, and 79,43% respectively. This research showed the highest TPH removal efficiency was in windrow B, where grass was used as the bulking agent.
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