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Microfiltration process is a drinking water technology for removing suspended solids and bacterial contents. This research work was focused on membrane made from cellulose acetate polymer with 0,2 mm pore diameter and 47 mm diameter as filter media to separate the turbidity and Escherichia coli from feed water. The module of membrane designed with dead-end filtration and crossflow filtration from acrylic material. The variables of the process are levels of pressure, pH condition of sample water, and suspended solid concentration.
Results of this research showed the permeabiliy coeficient of membrane of 2,7952 mL/ In crossfow filtration the maximum fluxes were 6.325 mL/, while dead-end process was 4.578 mL/ occurs at the pressure level of 25 bar. In both processes, the maximum rejection was found in 100% E. coli and 98,81% of turbidity occurs at the pressure level 0,25. The optimal condition for pH was occurs at range pH 6-8. Fluxes and rejection maximum obtained (100 %) at this condition.
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