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Leachate formation during composting process until now has been often neglected by compost producers. Consequently the leachate has caused contamination to ground water and surface water to occur. A solution alternative is Constructed Wetland system, which processes liquid waste using plant. The aim of this research is to measure the ability of Sub Surface Flow Constructed Wetland (SSFCW) vertical flow reactor to reduce N, Total Solids (TS) dan Permanganate Value (PV) of the leachate with in a number of leachate variations and N concentration limits of ± 100 mg/L and 150 mg/L. The type of plant used was Canna edulis. The dimension of reactor was 90×30×50 cm with the depth of media 40 cm. Sand with porosity of 47,91% was used for media in this research, detention time was 1 day with influent discharge of 25 L/day. Results of the research showed the highest N removal efficiency was 89,88% at vertical stream of SSFCW reactor with N concentration of 150 mg/L. Whereas the highest TS and PV removal efficiency were 70,72% and 98,20% respectively in the reactor with N concentration of 100 mg/L. Canna edulis reached maximum growth increase of 1,83 cm within six days.
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