Jurnal Purifikasi 2024-03-27T14:54:48+07:00 Arie Dipareza Syafei Open Journal Systems <p><span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><strong>Jurnal Purifikasi</strong>&nbsp;has been published since January 2000 by Division of Jurnal Purifikasi, Department of Environmental Engineering; Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya i<span class="">n collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Sanitary and Environmental Engineers (IATPI) East Java. Jurnal Purifikasi is published twice a year in July and December, covering topics on technology and management related to the environmental engineering field.&nbsp;</span></span></p> IDENTIFIKASI PERMASALAHAN LINGKUNGAN DI WILAYAH PESISIR DAN LAUT KABUPATEN GRESIK 2024-03-27T14:54:48+07:00 Deqi Rizkivia Radita Yulinah Trihadiningrum Elok Dian Karisma Pagri Anisa Thaniya Triagustine Kalimantoro Siti Choni Andriati Maya Iswatie <p>The coastal and marine environment is a downstream of various development impacts that utilize both land and sea natural resources. If there are no activities to control damage to the coastal and marine environment, a situation will occur that will have a negative impact on the ecosystems of mangroves, seagrass beds, coral reefs, and marine biota in those areas and human life around them. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management mandates the protection of the marine environment and control of damage to mangrove ecosystems, seagrass beds, and coral reefs. The role of the government, the private sector, and the community in this case is an integral part of efforts to control damage and manage the coastal and marine environment. Therefore, it is necessary to identify environmental issues in coastal and marine areas to support policy development activities and activities to control damage to the coastal and marine environment through community participation in Gresik Regency. The results of the identification of these problems are expected to provide qualitative and quantitative data that can be used as a reference in the implementation of policies for the protection and management of the coastal and marine environment in Gresik District.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Purifikasi ANALISIS TINGKAT POTENSI PENCEMARAN UDARA AKIBAT KENDARAAN BERMOTOR MENGGUNAKAN SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS DI KECAMATAN PASAR KLIWON 2024-03-27T14:54:48+07:00 Iqbal Afriansyah Wicaksono Hamim Zaky Hadibasyir <p>Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon adalah salah satu kecamatan di Kota Surakarta yang memiliki banyak pusat perbelanjaan, pertokoan, pasar, pendidikan, dan juga objek wisata. Oleh karena itu, masyarakat banyak menggunakan kendaraan bermotor untuk mempermudah dalam mobilitas aktivitasnya. Hal ini yang membuat Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon sangat berpotensi untuk terjadinya pencemaran udara akibat kendaraan bermotor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sebaran faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat potensi pencemaran udara akibat kendaraan bermotor dan menganalisis sebaran tingkat potensi pencemaran udara akibat kendaraan bermotor di Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon. Penelitian ini menggunakan integrasi data penginderaan jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dengan teknik overlay berjenjang tertimbang. Penentuan analisis potensi tingkat pencemaran udara akibat kendaraan bermotor menggunakan 4 parameter, yaitu jarak terhadap jalan, jarak terhadap lampu lalu lintas, keteraturan bangunan, dan kerapatan vegetasi. Validasi pemodelan spasial dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil pemodelan dengan data dari aplikasi Breezometer. Hasil pemodelan spasial memiliki tingkat keakuratan 82,4%. Tingkat pencemaran udara kelas tinggi memiliki luas 2,99 Km<sup>2</sup> atau 61,5% dari total wilayah Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon. Kelas tinggi terjadi karena berada dekat dengan jalan arteri dan jalan kolektor, dekat dengan lokasi lampu lalu lintas, vegetasi pepohonan yang tidak ada, dan pola keteraturan bangunan yang tidak teratur karena banyaknya permukiman padat penduduk. Kelas pencemaran udara sedang memiliki luas 1,87 Km<sup>2</sup> atau 38,3% dari total wilayah Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon. Kelas rendah hanya memiliki luas 0,01 Km<sup>2</sup> atau 0,2% dari total wilayah Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon. Integrasi penginderaan jauh dan SIG dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk pemetaan sebaran potensi pencemaran udara di perkotaan.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Purifikasi KARAKTERISASI INFLUEN LUMPUR DI INSTALASI PENGOLAHAN LUMPUR TINJA (IPLT) KEPUTIH SURABAYA 2024-03-27T14:54:48+07:00 Ervin Nurhayati Arseto Yekti Bagastyo Fathyah Fathyah Dewi Puji Rahayu Andriyan Yulikasari <p><em>Evaluation of the operation unit and process unit of Keputih IPLT needs to be carried out, in order to support the service level of Keputih IPLT. Testing the characteristics of sludge entering the STP is done by conducting laboratory testing related to the parameters of pH, BOD, COD, TSS, TVS, TFS, N, P, oil, fat and SVI tests. Samples were taken from several places, namely from non-fecal sludge such as Culinary Tourism Centre, Rusunawa, Fish Market Centre, Health Facilities, Malls and Restaurants. As for fecal sludge, it is taken from each processing unit in Keputih IPLT. Based on the characteristics of each pollutant load, the non-fecal sludge and fecal sludge indicate a sufficiently large load. The sludge load itself obtained from Rusunawa indicates that the sludge is still relatively fresh, no degradation has occurred. The results show that the characteristics of fecal sludge from each treatment unit of Keputih IPLT still exceed the applicable quality standards. The large amount of pollutant load that enters Keputih IPLT from not only fecal sludge, but also non-fecal sludge results in a treatment load that does not match the idle capacity of the treatment units in Keputih IPLT.</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Purifikasi KAJIAN DAMPAK EMISI UDARA TERHADAP LINGKUNGAN PADA PROSES PRODUKSI MINYAK DAN GAS BUMI DI PT. X MENGGUNAKAN METODE LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT (LCA) 2024-03-27T14:54:48+07:00 Theresia Canthika Saraswati Abdu Fadli Assomadi <p>PT. X has conducted a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study in 2019. However, it has not been proven that the air emission reduction program that has been implemented is effective in reducing the environmental impacts that occur. In this study, the LCA study is continued to identify the largest environmental impacts that occur and hotspot units after implementing the air emission reduction program and determine the effectiveness of the program. SimaPro software was used to conduct the LCA analysis, with a midpoint approach and using the CML-IA Baseline method. Based on the LCA analysis, the biggest environmental impacts that occur at PT X are acidification in SP A, B, C and global warming (GWP100a) in SP D. the air emission reduction program that has been implemented since 2019 has effectively reduced the impacts that occur. The recommended improvements to reduce the impact of acidification and global warming are replacing diesel engines with gas engines, installing Non-Selective Catalytic Reduction (NCSR), utilizing flare gas into compresses natural gas, and enhancing oil recovery using carbon capture separation technology to capture CO2 gas.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Purifikasi WASTEWATER TREATMENT USING ELECTROCOAGULATION FOR TOMATO KETCHUP INDUSTRY 2024-03-27T14:54:48+07:00 Mohammad Syaifuddin Arseto Yekti Bagastyo Isni Arliyani <p>One of the most dangerous food industry wastes is the liquid resulting from the production of tomato sauce, which contains many organic substances and suspended solids. Electrocoagulation, a method for processing tomato sauce liquid waste, is environmentally friendly, easy to use, and saves land. Many people use plate-shaped electrodes for electrocoagulation, but cylindrical electrodes usually have lower power consumption during the process. By considering ideal conditions, this research aims to determine the ideal use of differences in current strength, pH and anode material. In addition, they also wanted to determine the specific energy consumption and amount of sludge in the cylindrical reactor. The quality of the electric current of 30 A, 35 A, and 40 A is the variable used in this research. The second variable is pH, which ranges between 6.7 and 8. The anode material used is iron, the parameters tested are pH, BOD and Phosphate. The results showed that at pH 8, a current strength of 40 A using an iron anode had a removal percentage of BOD and Phosphate of 83.52 ± 0.44% (1,358.00 mg/L) and 74.90 ± 0.98% (189. 41 mg/L). The specific energy consumption obtained for each parameter is 1.71 Wh/gBOD and 20.38 Wh/gP.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Purifikasi